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:: Wednesday, December 12, 2001 ::

better late
well, i missed NaNoWriMo -- national novel writing month was last month (link tanks to jill -- see, i'm still online once in awhile, and i'm watching...). i figure i'll give it a shot -- i'm up to about 1000 words, and as they say on their website, it's almost all crap. but it is cool to be able to tell people that i'm working on a novel. mebbe it'll prove more lucrative than dog walking and random doodling. certainly, it'll help pick up chicks (just kidding, miz string!).

settling into glen park. liking it. driving too much, which i hate (dogs on bart a bit problematic) -- but i can stroll down to the coolest dog park, and a little strip with a greasy spoon, public library, pet food store, hardware store, and my bank (is there anything else i need?). within walking distance of a coupla really cool folks.

getting used to having a bed and kitchen close by in one place. getting to know my new roommate. it's all so much getting, but i think it's going ok (correct me gently if i'm wrong).

but mainly, it's sucha relief to be away away from crazy paul. not sure if it was a breakdown, drugs, or what, and not sure i can really invest any energy in caring. whoda thunk he could've turned into such an asshole? mainly, his life is his own punishment, but i'm just glad not to be part of the weird screenplay that is his life. minimal drama for kehoe and me, please.

speaking of which, she's been doing famously. her life alternates between sound/snoring sleep on the softest surface possible (bed, rug, couch, lap) and spastic dances of joy. she hasn't yet broken in half from wagging her tail, but it's not from lack of trying. she's got that irrepressible dog belief that every day is christmas, and after her morning pee (at the respectable hour of 9 or 10 am -- she's well-trained in the art of sleeping in), she usually treats me to a leaping whirling dance of relief/joy.

i still miss moley wole something terrible, but my little monkey-kehoe helps by reminding me of now. and kehoe has enough pigdog in her that i think she might be a direct descendant (in a biblical virgin mary kinda way). you'd think she was starving, the way she leaps at dinner. it's become a challenge to convince the older ladies at the shelter that kehoe is indeed not starving, and no, handfuls of cat food are not acceptible. ah well.

:: ewee 8:00:00 PM [+] :: 0 comments ::

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