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:: Monday, November 19, 2007 ::

home wrestling
thanks to miz ky and nars, we got hooked up with a washer/dryer for the very pake price of FREE. well. almost hooked up. but at that price, you can't really expect installation, eh? (not complaining, mind you, just setting you up for my shaggy dog story...)

first, getting the dang things. i love my stinky truck. i love it. despite the cap and the wheel wells, we were able to get both machines in my truck. meaning one trip to sf (sorry, we didn't return for dinner, but i was stuck on the couch with ice on my old, ailing back).

then the unconscious trip to home despot. (really, i unconsciously ended up there. no, i probably shouldn't have been driving, but sy can't drive stick.) so instead of going straight home, i ended up at home despot. and blamed sy for sleeping (if she'd been awake, we wouldn't have strayed! really!...i know, poor miz sy. she does put up with a lot)

after losing time in h.d. for awhile, we finally headed home, where we had to unload and move the machines into the house. luckily we have a fairly easy back door into the mudroom/laundry room. unfortunately, it was about half an inch too narrow for the machines. so we removed the door, and voila! machines in. well, not voila, but lucky that miz sy understood hinge mechanics and stopped me from taking apart the whole doorframe to get the door off (there's a coupla little pins that hold it all together! who knew?...not me, obviously). and then, voila, after quite a bit of lifting, wiggling, and one wrenched back (mine), machines were in.

and at last, after wrestling with the dryer vent tube thingie, and this and that kinda stuff, they were ready to plug and play. (sy took that opportunity to sagely remark, "maybe we should have tested them before moving them in." to which, i not-so-sagely responded "doh!")

which leaves us almost, but not-quite hooked up: a plug that doesn't match the outlet (but it's very very close), and a spillpipe thingie that's just a little too narrow and has a little bit of a crack (oops). so it's back to the hardware store, and more tinkering. so the suspense continues. but hey, it was free! (thanks ky and nars! we really appreciate it!)

couple extra things:
  1. the dosage on the packets of ibuprofen are per pill, not per packet. that means i've had double what i thought i had...oops. and i can still feel the pain...double oops.
  2. back pain is great for my posture. anytime i slump, it hurts!
  3. ok, that wasn't much of a shaggy dog story. no punchline. but i do need chips...

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