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:: Friday, January 30, 2009 ::

2008: mayfly
an exercise in brevity and introspection. based on the fab mayfly project:
The best brief biography I've ever heard was for a mayfly:
"Born. Eat. Shag. Die."
Because Ephemeroptera lives only for twenty-four hours, the summary of its life is refreshingly straightforward: To the point. The stuff that matters. Just the essentials. ...there's nothing quite like embracing the constraint of brevity (whether time or wordcount) when summing up the last year of your life to make you re-examine your priorities, or focus on what has affected you or was important to you over the last twelve months.

so, here's my sum of 2008 in 24 words [or peruse my lists in one place]:
  1. valley behind. facing now.
  2. finding home.
  3. orange belt.
  4. activism.
  5. east bay!
  6. inspiration.
  7. change.
  8. reading.
  9. yardlove.
  10. sunroom, painting.
  11. layoffs.
  12. tour de gay.
  13. yes. we. can.

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:: ewee 1:09:00 PM [+] :: 0 comments ::
2007: mayfly
in working on my list for 2008, i realized that i'd skipped 2007! so, quick-like, here's my 2007 listy...and i'll be back soon with 2008.

[to review, this is an annual review in 24 words or less, per the mayfly project, and as always, it's subject to change. previous lists live here: 2006, 2005, 2004, and 2001]

  1. malaysia
  2. naples yellow
  3. roomba!
  4. layoffs
  5. goodbye baskie
  6. maze meltdown
  7. outrigger
  8. east bay.
  9. jlo lofty...belly palace. omg.
  10. introducing...cookie/toki (groan)
  11. key west
  12. popup

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:: ewee 1:08:00 PM [+] :: 0 comments ::
:: Tuesday, January 20, 2009 ::
Obama-day! Obama-day!--First lady, smiling. Obama-day!--The crowd along the national mall.
Finally, we're here: President Obama.

Watched the historic moment in our cosy living room with Miz A, sy and the dogs. Had coffee, oatmeal and twitter on hand, tears in our eyes. Way to go, team us!

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:: ewee 2:28:00 PM [+] :: 0 comments ::
:: Sunday, January 18, 2009 ::
Pomelo from khoan and sabine's tree, bacon chocolate chip cookies from joannie. Leftovers from last night's nearly 12 hour bsg marathon.

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:: ewee 3:28:00 PM [+] :: 5 comments ::
:: Sunday, January 11, 2009 ::
Aw yeah!Aw yeah!
Chicken and waffles at brown sugar kitchen. Will review properly on yelp, but these were dang good, if a bit pricey. I'm still drooling over the crunchy goodness of the waffles and the steaming hot juiciness of the chicken (i added a bit of salt and hot sauce, but it was still good). Oh, and thx to miz cat for the tip!

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:: ewee 10:01:00 PM [+] :: 2 comments ::
:: Friday, January 09, 2009 ::
Marga rocks VelvetMarga rocks Velvet
Marga Gomez rocks the mike at the Richmond Jane Doe fundraiser.

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:: ewee 11:10:00 PM [+] :: 0 comments ::
:: Wednesday, January 07, 2009 ::
Crashing the expo party was semi successful. For all that we might be a sinking ship, i do love the peeps i work(ed) with. Sorry to miss the civil actions in oaktown, but glad that folks got out to rally. Sorry to hear that some folks decided to damage stuff in their own communities. Much love and respect to everyone. Goodnight!

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:: ewee 10:09:00 PM [+] :: 0 comments ::
snuggly kehoe snuggly kehoe
she's got her come hither* look down pat. (*or more precisely, "come hither and feed me kibbles, foolish human!")

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:: ewee 1:25:00 PM [+] :: 0 comments ::
:: Thursday, January 01, 2009 ::
Happy new year!Happy new year!
Good evening with friends old and new, jack and cokes, *almost* a fight at the club (only fun cuz it was almost), and good late night eats in Chinatown. Much love, and best wishes to you all. Here's to no more W in 2009! Yeeeeha! Toki's ready for nye! Sundogs

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:: ewee 1:19:00 AM [+] :: 0 comments ::

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